End of Semester Survival Guide
Whether it’s spring or fall, whether you’re taking exams (和 writing essays) or giving (和 grading) them, finals season can be a stressful time. 我们是来帮忙的. From reducing stress to finding a cozy spot on campus—和 who 做n’t need one of those?—澳门葡京博彩软件 has got you covered. Scroll down for expert advice from 健康 和 健康 和 tips 和 tricks from the 澳门葡京博彩软件 community to help you meet your goals, power through deadlines—和 take good care of yourself, 太!
我们和 Schacht Center for 健康 和 健康 to bring to you some quick 和 easy ways for you to combat stress—particularly during the end of the semester.
联系 阳光Windorski, Care Coordinator 和 健康 Educator, 了解更多信息 on any of these concepts.
- 把它说出来! Have a conversation with someone you trust. (Family member, friends, professor, therapist, etc.)
- 好好考虑一下. Clearing your mind 和 coming back to a problem will help put things in perspective.
- Eat food that fuels your body 和 make time for exercise.
- Look at everyday activities as breaks from stressful situations. 淋浴或泡澡, 坐下来吃饭, 和 walking from place to place are all activities to be enjoyed.
- Remember that you are capable. You have h和led stressful situations before, 和 you will get through this.
- 给自己留点时间! You are the most important person in your life.
- Take some time to laugh—call a friend, watch a TikTok compilation, whatever makes you smile.
- 和你爱的人谈谈! (Family, friends, partner)
- Make a list of reasons to be happy or what you are grateful for in that moment.
- 摆动打破! (跳舞,伸展,移动)
- Take a walk outside or around the building you’re in.
- Get a drink of water or tea/coffee (in moderation).
- 休息一下! Works best if you look away from your computer for a few minutes.
- Take a power nap for 20 minutes.
- 播放你最喜欢的歌曲.
- Go for a run or use the 澳门葡京博彩软件 gym!
- Procrasti-clean or get organized.
- 享用美味的小吃.
- Watch an episode (or two, or three...你最喜欢的节目.
- 练习正念呼吸.
- Scream (during Primal Scream or in a space that 做n’t observe 24/7 quiet hours, of course...)
- 挤压压力球.
- Scribble, craft, knit, paint—just create something.
澳门葡京博彩软件 has lots of programming to support holistic wellbeing during finals period! Check out some of the highlights here, or read the 该公司instagram 了解更多信息.
24/7 quiet hours in the houses 和 library may be stressful for some people. Below are spaces that don’t have the same restrictions.
- 圣堂练习室
- Outdoor spaces like Capen Gardens, Chapin Lawn, or the Library Amphitheatre
- 校园中心
- Capen Annex/The Design Thinking Initiative
- After classes have ended, classroom spaces
- 安斯沃思的健身房