
Health & Wellness


沙赫特中心的健康和保健提供无障碍, 专业的医疗和精神保健, 以及健康教育. 作为对发展问题很了解的大学保健专业人员, 我们与学生一起促进他们的身心健康. 我们与更大的大学社区合作, 支持学生完成学业目标.

Hours and Contact

拨打413-585-2800澳门葡京博彩软件. 全天候提供护士咨询和心理健康支持.  

Medical Services


Wellness Services

9 a.m.–noon; 1–4:30 p.m.

9 a.m.–4:30 p.m.

8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m.















沙赫特中心将于5月17日星期五下午4点关闭.m. 夏季休会,并将于8月19日星期一上午9点重新开放.m. These resources 这段时间你有空吗.

If you are experiencing an emergency and you are on campus, please call Campus Safety 413-585-5555.  All off-campus emergency calls should be directed to 911 for your local emergency service. 

If you are on campus and need transportation to Northampton’s urgent care centers or the ER, 你可以打电话给校园安全中心, 如果有交通工具,谁来提供.

For urgent mental health concerns, call 413-585-2800 and press 2 to speak with a licensed therapist.

如果你找不到 refill 由沙赫特中心的医生开具的药物,请发电子邮件 counselingservices@all-about-your-pets.com 工作人员会给你回复的. 请允许至少四个工作日的答复.

Looking for 生殖保健? 我们提供许多不同的服务, 我可以把你介绍给我们的校外合作伙伴了解手术流程等等.


See what our community health organizers (CHOs) in training with the Schacht Center have been up to lately (hint: they’re helping their peers!).

Campus Life

Sex in the Dark


  • Campus Life
  • April 12, 2024
Sex in the Dark education event with lights off and a screen with yellow letters how do people start their first relationship


沙赫特健康与保健中心在网上使用密码保护 patient portal 与学生沟通测试结果并跟进需求. 我们不使用电子邮件. 您可以使用门户网站向我们询问一般问题或补充药物. 门户不应该被用来问我们紧急的问题或问题. 如果你现在有医疗问题,打电话给我们.

Log In 了解患者门户网站


The 沙赫特健康和保健中心 is located at 21 Belmont Avenue, adjacent to Scott Gym.

You must call for an appointment; there are no walk-in hours. 当天和第二天的预约都可以. 危机预约.

Yes. 所有服务均为机密. 唯一的例外是在异常危险或危及生命的紧急情况下.

Do I have to pay?
在沙赫特中心的办公室参观是免费的,不考虑保险. 有些服务,如实验室检测和疫苗接种,可能会收费. 澳门葡京博彩软件保险计划涵盖大部分服务. Students with private insurance should call their insurance provider regarding any questions about coverage. 我们没有,也不能为私人保险买单. Instead, 我们把学生的帐记在帐单上, and provide a claim form for the student to complete and submit to their insurance.

Yes. Confidential testing is available at Medical Services during regular clinic hours by appointment.

You can get emergency contraception from Health Services for $25 with a nurse appointment or as a precaution. 所有乳胶(避孕套,水坝等).)是由 Health Reps 然后分发到各家各户.

If you are too sick or injured to walk to the Schacht Center you can call the nurse’s station at 413-585-2813 and they can coordinate transport for you via Access Van or Campus Safety.

Yes. At the Schacht Center, we honor all cultures, gender identities, preferred names and pronouns. Please notify the Schacht Center of any information that is important for us to know in order to provide you the best care possible.

FIRST, call the after-hours nurse at 413-585-2800 (Option 1) or counselor at 413-585-2800 (Option 2) for assistance. 联系你的保险公司了解保险范围. 如有需要,可在 库利·迪金森医院 和CVS一分钟诊所.

请注意预约时间安排, 保险/计费的问题, record requests and prescription refills cannot be handled by the after-hours nurse and the student should call when the Schacht Center is open.


Please be aware that you will need to fill out paperwork online that will be sent to you through the Patient Portal 在你被人看见之前. 一旦你预约了,你就可以拿到文件了.


  • 请致电413-585-2800或在营业时间来访.
  • 在营业时间内, you will be connected with a member of our staff and seen the same day or connected to emergency services.
  • Nights and weekends, our number will connect you with licensed on-call providers.
  • 拨打校园安全中心,他们会送你去医院,电话是413-585-5555
  • Call 911
  • 拨打988全国自杀和危机热线
  • 去最近的急诊室
  • 的其他资源请参阅 Crisis Resources page


Groups generally offered include the following topics: Sexual and Dating Violence, Grief, ADHD Skills, TGNC Support, BIPOC Support, 免疫功能低下/慢性疾病支持, DBT Skills, 治疗饮食失调和其他疾病.

治疗师会根据需要安排持续的预约, 所以首先要和治疗师见面,然后和他们讨论治疗方案.

Some same-day/single session appointments as well as group sessions can be booked online through the Patient Portal. 如果你不确定你应该有什么样的约会,就打电话给我们. 如果你需要马上去看医生或者有特殊的治疗要求, 请致电1-413-585-2800.

你第一次来,你将有一个单一的会议/当天的预约. The therapist will then speak to you about what kinds of services might best meet your needs given our resources.

如果你有保险或经济资源和/或需要专科护理, 你可能会被介绍到社区去. 你的治疗师和我们的护理协调员会帮助你完成这个过程.

我们鼓励您查看我们的 staff page. 所有的员工都是专门的和训练有素的工作与各种学生身份.

如果你和我们的咨询服务人员一起工作, 他们会在沙赫特中心的办公室. 你们可以选择戴着面具亲自见面,或者通过Zoom.

What is My SSP?
This is an online telehealth service that provides free counseling to any Smith student, 超过150种语言, 无论你在哪里. 提供者不是咨询服务人员的一部分. 我的SSP使用应用程序或可以通过电话联系.


  • 去年,超过35%的学生访问了咨询服务中心
  • 超过一半的高年级学生都去过咨询服务中心
  • The racial distribution of students who visit the Counseling Service is slightly larger than the broad student population.
  • 除了一些实验室服务外,任何服务都不收费. 在药店开的处方可能需要共同支付.
  • 我们一般上午8:30开门.m.–4:30p.m. daily, but some ongoing individual and group sessions are available in the evening. 我的SSP课程是全天候可用的.

No. 我们不接受电子邮件记录. 电子邮件不是一种安全的卫生保健通信方式. 别忘了给自己留几份.

表格可上载至 Patient Portal or mailed to:

Smith College

Can I just send vaccine records from my last school or my last doctor’s appointment to you?
Yes. However, do not assume you have received all required vaccines as requirements may change and vary from state to state. 马萨诸塞州的免疫要求非常严格. Carefully review your records against the requirements to be certain you submit complete documentation.

在我的国家,我不能接种所有必需的疫苗. What should I do?
Don’t worry. 你可以在当地的药店买到所有需要的疫苗, 比如CVS或沃尔格林, in Massachusetts, 或者你可以在卫生服务部门预约接种大多数疫苗.

我可以不接种疫苗吗? 我没有接受标准的儿童免疫接种. What should I do?
We strongly recommend that all students receive immunizations as required for school entrance by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 这些规定的存在是为了保护每一个学生的健康, 我们的校园社区, 并保护全球人口的公共健康. Massachusetts allows exemption from vaccines for only two reasons: medical or religious exemption. 马萨诸塞州不承认疫苗的哲学豁免. Students with valid exemptions must complete a Smith College vaccine exemption waiver by deadline date and prior to registration and orientation. 如有疑问,请联系Schacht中心 healthservices@all-about-your-pets.com.

对疫苗有进一步问题的同学, 或者医疗或宗教疫苗豁免, 我们鼓励你查阅以下资料及来自 疾病控制和预防中心,并与沙赫特中心联系.

我找不到我的免疫记录了. What should I do?
Call your most recent school or doctor’s office and ask if they have your immunizations on file. Check with your state, city or town to see if they have an immunization registry. 把副本寄给我们. 自己留一份!

I can’t get Tuberculosis Blood Tests (IGRA Tspot or Quantiferon Gold) in my home country. What should I do?
If you arrive in Massachusetts before college orientation, please be in touch with us. 我们可以安排你去做测试. 我们也可以在你入职的第一天在这里进行测试.

Yes. 北安普顿大学校园附近有几个步行诊所:

  • CVS分钟诊所,366国王街,北安普顿,413-586-8315
  • Cooley Dickinson Urgent Care Clinic, 30 Locust Street, Northampton, 413-582-2330
  • 北安普顿哈特菲尔德街6号,电话:413-584-7425
  • 北安普顿国王街325B号贝斯特急救中心,电话413-387-4197
  • 快递公司,哈德利罗素街424号,电话413-253-0483

只有当你对筛选问题回答“是”的时候. 你的医生必须在表格上签字.


我们尊重您获得保密、优质护理的权利. We believe that an interdisciplinary, coordinated approach delivers the optimal quality of care. 你应该知道:

  • 医疗和咨询记录与其他院系是分开的. All Schacht Center medical and counseling records are confidential and cannot be accessed by other college departments.
  • The Schacht Center is an integrated center for physical and mental health needs and your records are accessible to Schacht Center staff within the medical and counseling services.
  • Entry of psychotropic medications prescribed by the Schacht Center is made in the medical record.
  • No medical or counseling information is shared outside of Health Services without your consent. 例外情况包括紧急情况和法律规定的情况.
  • 与您的护理相关的信息可能会被分享, 在需要知道的基础上, 在卫生服务的专业医疗和咨询人员中.
  • 与家长分享信息需要学生的许可, 监护人或者其他个人,紧急情况除外.